What is a Redemption Coin all About?
Bronze or Silver Redemption Coins
Are A Reminder That
"Just One Drop Of Jesus' Blood"
was all it took to Redeem us from sin!
Redeemed Through His Blood
Ephesians 1:7
Carry your beautiful Redemption Coin in your pocket or purse, and you will be reminded of
Jesus' Sacrifice!
Redemption in Christ Jesus
Romans 3:24
Whenever your hand touches
your coin you can actually feel the nail print in his hand,
A symbolic reminder that the
Saviours Blood cleanses from all sin.
Jesus - One Man - One Way
One Drop!
Jesus, Mans only Sacrifice John 3:16


So one might ask what inspired the creation of a
"Redemption Coin"?
After much prayer and through many, many challenges it became very clear, that we had to do something different to bring God Glory, as well as remind ourselves daily of His Redemption Power. The Power through His Blood, and His Sacrifice on The Cross.
Just like a military Challenge Coin the concept is to carry the coin daily in your pocket or purse.
As you make change, endure hardships, or face challenges, you can reach in your pocket and grasp your coin. You will feel the symbolic hand of Jesus and the nail in his hand and be reminded of His Sacrifice, His Love, and His Promise!